Know What to Look For
A parent is often the first person to recognize a child’s reading problem. Knowing what to look for can help you decide whether to investigate further. Below is a list of key warning signs for the most common language-based learning disability; dyslexia.
Take Action!
If your child exhibits a persistent pattern of three or more of these warning signs over time, screening and assessment are strongly recommended. Beginning effective instruction from a reading tutor as early as possible will make a dramatic difference for your child and your family!
Warning Signs
- Family history of reading difficulty
- Delayed speech
- Apprehension about attending school
In Preschool
- Mixing up sounds in long words (such as bisgetti instead of spaghetti or aminal instead of animal)
- Trouble rhyming words
- Persistent left/right confusion
- Difficulty learning to tie shoes
- Trouble memorizing the alphabet, home address or phone number
In Elementary School
- Reversing letters after the first grade
- Slow, choppy, inaccurate reading
- Frequent guessing at unknown words
- Trouble remembering sight words
- Terrible spelling
- Slow, non-automatic handwriting
- Difficulty finding the correct word when speaking
- Especially messy bedroom, backpack, or desk
In Middle/High School
All of the above plus:
- Limited vocabulary
- Extremely poor written expression
- Poor grades in many classes
- Inability mastering a foreign language
- At risk for dropping out of school
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